Bat Removal

Professional and Efficient Bat Removal Services

Do you need to get rid of pesky bats without causing harm to your surroundings? Wildlife Damage Solutions can help you out! Our experienced team provides trusted and effective bat removal services in Kansas City to ensure that your home or business remains bat-free. We’re not just about removing these creatures; our professional bat removal services offer preventive strategies to keep them away. Trust us to handle those creepy critters, and enjoy a safe and peaceful environment.

There are 15 different species of bats that live in Missouri and they all play a crucial role in controlling pest species such as mosquitos. They do however tend to roost in unwanted areas such as attic spaces and can leave a mess.  

Bat removal can be a delicate process, as bats are protected by federal and state laws. It’s important to work with a professional who has the knowledge and expertise to navigate these regulations. We will ensure that the removal process is both safe and legal. At Wildlife Damage Solutions, we have the necessary permits and licenses to handle bat removal. Our customers with the peace of mind that comes with knowing the process is being handled correctly.

Addressing Damage Caused By Bats

In addition to the actual removal process, we also offer other services to help address any damage caused by the bat infestation. Bats can cause damage to insulation, wiring, and other materials in your home, which can lead to costly repairs if left unchecked. Our team can provide a thorough inspection of your home and identify any damage that needs to be repaired. We can also provide insulation replacement services to ensure that your home is properly insulated and energy-efficient.

Protect Your Home from Bats with Long-Term Removal Solutions

Another important aspect of bat removal is preventing future infestations. Bats are attracted to certain types of environments, such as warm, dark spaces with access to water and food sources. Our team can provide recommendations on how to make your home less attractive to bats, such as sealing off entry points, keeping your attic well-ventilated, and reducing the clutter that can provide a hiding place for bats.

At Wildlife Damage Solutions, we pride ourselves on providing our customers with high-quality, reliable bat removal services. We understand the stress and anxiety that can come with a bat infestation, and we’re here to help you through the process from start to finish. Our team of experts has the experience and knowledge necessary to safely and effectively remove bats from your home, and we’re committed to providing our customers with the best possible service.

How do you humanely remove bats from your home?

The most humane way to get rid of bats is by exclusion. This involves sealing off any entry points they are using and installing a one-way door that allows them to leave, but not re-enter. Once the bats have been excluded from the area, it’s important to make sure all entry points remain sealed in order to prevent future infestations. Additionally, if there are young or injured bats present, professional wildlife control experts should be consulted for proper removal and relocation techniques.

A bat infestation is one of the more difficult pest problems to tackle, with risks and legalities to consider before you begin.  We recommend professional bat removal to reduce the risk of harm to you or your home, keeping both your loved ones and your wildlife neighbors safe.

If you’re dealing with a bat infestation, don’t hesitate to contact us at Wildlife Damage Solutions. We can provide you with a comprehensive plan for bat removal and prevention. Our team is available to help you with all of your wildlife removal needs, and we’re dedicated to providing our customers with the peace of mind that comes with knowing their homes are safe and protected.

If you need professional bat removal, contact Wildlife Damage Solutions today.

Bat Removal

Contact Us And Evict Bats From Your Home For Good!
