Animal Removal Services – Serving The Greater Kansas City Area

Creatures of the wild are beautiful, majestic, and…destructive to your property. They can also be hazardous to your health when they decide to invade your property. Wildlife Damage Solutions has the experience, skills, and tools as a full-service animal removal company to rid you of unwanted pests safely and effectively and protect your property.

Whether it is damage to your landscaping or sounds coming from your attic, the Wildlife Damage Solutions LLC specialists are here to solve animal removal needs.

Protecting Families and Wildlife At The Sametime

As humans and wildlife increasingly live near each other some animals pose problems, not just for the property damage they can cause but the health risks they bring to your property. Many carry parasites such as fleas, ticks, and mites or diseases such as rabies and cause breathing problems due to their dander, fur, and feces. These pests can damage your electrical system, create serious fire hazards, disrupt soil stability around your property structures, and even invade and damage vehicles and machinery.

While you may only see one bat or mouse, there’s probably already a sizeable colony somewhere nearby. You might be tempted to find DIY solutions, but the problem goes deeper than you realize, and the risks of injury or worse damage are very real.

Risks of handling an infestation yourself:

  • Bites
  • Scrapes & Scratches from claws
  • Ineffective results.
  • Damage to Property
  • Hazard risks to people and pets.
  • Hazardous to landscaping/plants.
  • Depending on the area/animal, protections may exist regarding an endangered species or habitat.

It’s important for your safety and your property. Plus, you are legally required to contact a reputable wildlife removal company such as Wildlife Damage Solutions.

Safe, Humane Animal Removal Services

The Kansas City Area is home to diverse wildlife that can be a nuisance or worse. At Wildlife Damage Solutions, we believe in humane animal removal while working to protect local creatures and plant life from invading species. Our team of wildlife removal specialists understands the value of our local animals, and it’s part of the overall ecosystem.

We have utilized several pest removal methods, including live traps that cause no injury to the animals. Our experts have also studied the proper minimum distance needed to relocate an animal to dissuade any chance of it returning ‘home’ to your property to ensure the greatest effectiveness.

Bats provide many positive natural functions, eating insects (Usually 6,00-8,000 a night!) But that doesn’t mean you want to let them live in your attic, shed, barn, or outbuilding. Bats present several potential health risks, such as:

  • Breathing problems caused by ammonia in their guano.
  • Illnesses such as histoplasmosis
  • Bat Bugs
  • And although rare, they are most ‘famous’ for potentially carrying rabies.
  • Fleas/ticks and other parasitic pests.

Bat bugs are a close cousin of the bed bug. They are so closely related that it takes a microscopic examination to differentiate them.

These tag-along pests act similarly to bed bugs, leaving small irritating bites on the skin when they feed. Unlike bed bugs which seem to only feed on humans, bat bugs will travel down from where the bats are roosting to find other sources, then go back into hiding when finished. By acting quickly and calling Wildlife Damage Solutions, we can do a bat removal before these secondary problems start.

Squirrels are a common sight in neighborhoods, yards, and gardens. While they can provide some amusing or cute pictures, they can also invade your home and attic, destroy insulation and bring in pests such as fleas. They also bring in nuts, seeds, and other organic material, and their nests can harbor illnesses such as leptospirosis. 

The most human, effective, and simple squirrel removal process is to trap squirrels or families of squirrels for relocation, clean and sanitize any nesting areas, and seal up any entry points.

Unlike their woodland-dwelling relatives, urban raccoons live in smaller home ranges and higher densities, using their intelligence and skilled hands to help them navigate and adapt. Their varied diet allows them to survive easily by finding food in trash cans, dumpsters, bird feeders, fish ponds, and animal feed.

Raccoon removal includes several layers of protection. Starting with a thorough inspection, we discover and eliminate any unintentional invitations you may have presented. A few examples include: open dog or cat food container or bowl outside, uncovered chimneys, damaged or broken ventilation panels in your attic, and more. This inspection will also help determine the size of your raccoon problem.

Wildlife Damage Solutions experts will review each step with you, including recommendations for dealing with these wily and clever animals.

No Critter Too Big or Small

Wildlife Damage Solutions can help secure your property from the smallest muskrat to damaging beavers. We even tackle geese removal. But our experience isn’t limited to just these creatures. Call a professional animal removal company such as Wildlife Damage Solutions if you are dealing with wildlife infestation.

Wildlife Damage Solutions Your Animal Removal Experts

We offer a complete range of removal services and preventative measures to protect your property, so you don’t need to worry about wildlife. The team at Wildlife Damage Solutions will determine the best plan based on your budget and situation using their expertise.

Contact the best wildlife removal company in KC for a free consultation and estimate!

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