Beavers can be a major issue in the Kansas City area, causing harm to possessions. For a comprehensive solution to beaver-related problems, enlist the help of Wildlife Damage Solutions’ professional wildlife control services. With modern solutions tailored specifically for Missouri’s environment, we provide homeowners with peace of mind knowing that their property is safe from beaver destruction. Learn more about why getting rid of beavers is important and how our team can help today.

If you are looking for expert beaver removal, contact Wildlife Damage Solutions today!

Table of Contents:

Professional Solutions for Beaver Removal

Trapping and Relocation Services are one of the most common solutions for beaver removal. Professional wildlife control companies use a variety of traps, such as live-catch traps or snares, to safely capture and relocate beavers away from your property. This method is both humane and effective in reducing the damage caused by these pests. Additionally, certified professionals have access to specialized equipment that can help them trap more difficult animals quickly and efficiently.

Exclusion techniques are also an important part of professional beaver removal services. By using fencing materials like heavy-duty mesh or metal sheeting, wildlife control experts can create barriers around vulnerable areas on your property to keep out beavers while still allowing other wildlife to pass through freely. These fences should extend at least three feet below ground level to prevent burrowing animals from entering your yard or garden space. In addition, exclusion techniques may include installing flood gates along waterways near your home or business in order to reduce flooding risks due to dam building activities by beavers in the area.

By using professional wildlife control services, homeowners can benefit from cost savings and expert advice when it comes to removing beavers from their property. Additionally, licensed professionals guarantee results with humane solutions for long-term control of the animals. Moving on, let’s discuss the benefits of utilizing these specialized services.

Key Takeaway: Professional wildlife control experts utilize a combination of trapping and relocation services, as well as exclusion techniques to effectively “get the beaver out” of your property. This includes using traps such as live catch or snares for humane removal and creating barriers with fencing materials like mesh or metal sheeting to keep them away from vulnerable areas.

Benefits of Professional Wildlife Control Services

Hiring a professional wildlife control service can provide homeowners in the Kansas City metropolitan area with numerous benefits. Cost savings from preventative measures are one of the most significant advantages of enlisting the help of a qualified team. Professionals are able to utilize specialized tools and expertise to identify probable points of entry for beavers, as well as areas where damage is likely to happen. This allows them to take preventive steps before any costly destruction takes place.

Expertise in handling wildlife humanely is another advantage offered by experienced professionals. Trapping and relocating animals without causing harm or distress requires skill and knowledge, which only comes through years of experience dealing with various types of wildlife species. In addition, licensed professionals will abide by all relevant laws and regulations regarding animal capture, transport, and release so that you don’t risk fines or other legal repercussions when trying to remove pests from your property yourself.

Finally, guaranteed results are something else that makes professional wildlife control services worth investing in over DIY solutions or less experienced companies who may not deliver on their promises or offer satisfactory results at best. Licensed teams have a proven track record of successful removals so you can be confident knowing that they will get rid of your beaver problem once and for all while also taking into account safety considerations such as avoiding power lines during trapping activities if necessary.

The benefits of professional wildlife control services are invaluable, as they can save you time and money while ensuring humane treatment of the animals. With Wildlife Damage Solutions, you have access to an experienced team of certified professionals with a proven track record for successful removals.

Why Choose Wildlife Damage Solutions?

Wildlife Damage Solutions is the leading provider of professional wildlife control services in the Kansas City metropolitan area. Our experienced team of certified professionals has a proven track record of successful removals and a comprehensive range of services for all types of wildlife, from beavers to bats.

Our certified technicians have years of experience in humanely trapping and relocating animals that are causing damage to your property or posing a threat to you and your family’s safety. We use exclusion techniques such as one-way doors, fencing, netting, screening, and habitat modification methods to keep problem animals out for good. We also provide preventive solutions like animal-proofing structures with gutter guards and vent screens so that you can enjoy peace of mind knowing that your home is protected against future infestations.

When it comes to cost savings on repairs due to damages caused by wild animals, our licensed professionals offer guaranteed results with their expertise in handling wildlife humanely while following state regulations. Our team utilizes advanced technology including infrared cameras and motion sensors which allow us to quickly identify the source of any issue without disturbing any other areas around it. This helps reduce repair costs significantly since we don’t needlessly tear apart walls or roofs looking for hidden problems.

At Wildlife Damage Solutions, we understand the importance of protecting homes in the Kansas City metropolitan area while ensuring no harm comes to these beautiful creatures who call this place home. That is why we strive every day towards providing safe solutions which benefit both humans and nature alike. If you are dealing with pesky critters invading your space, then look no further than Wildlife Damage Solutions for a reliable solution.

Key Takeaway: Wildlife Damage Solutions is the leading provider of professional wildlife control services in Kansas City, and our certified technicians are highly experienced in humanely trapping and relocating problem animals like beavers. We use advanced technology such as infrared cameras to identify problems quickly without unnecessarily tearing apart walls or roofs, allowing us to provide reliable solutions that benefit both humans and nature alike.

FAQs in Relation to How to Get Rid of Beavers

How do I permanently get rid of beavers?

The most effective way to permanently get rid of beavers is through a combination of exclusion, trapping and habitat modification. Exclusion involves constructing barriers around ponds or streams that prevent the beaver from entering. Trapping should only be used as a last resort, and can involve using live traps with bait such as apples or sweet potatoes. Habitat modification includes removing trees near water sources, reducing access to food sources, and creating an environment that does not favor their presence in the area. All these methods are humane and will help ensure long-term control of the population without causing harm to them or other wildlife species in your local area.

How do you get rid of beavers for good?

For a permanent solution to beaver issues, humane trapping and relocation is the preferred approach for wildlife control experts. Trapping is an efficient way to take out beavers from your land with no harm or strain caused to them. Once trapped, they can then be relocated far away from your home so they do not return. Relocating the beavers to a distant location can help ensure that they will not come back and cause issues again.

How do you get rid of beavers without killing them?

The most effective way to get rid of beavers without killing them is through exclusion fencing. This involves installing a fence around the area where the beaver activity is taking place, such as around ponds or streams. The fence should extend at least three feet above ground and have an outward-facing overhang that prevents any animals from climbing in. Additionally, all potential entry points should be sealed off with hardware cloth or other appropriate materials to ensure no animals can enter the enclosed area. If necessary, live trapping may also be used to relocate problem individuals away from areas of human activity.

How do you deal with nuisance beavers?

Exclusion involves installing physical barriers such as fencing or netting around ponds and streams that the beaver are attempting to access. Trapping can also be used in order to remove individual animals from an area when they become too numerous or problematic. Finally, habitat modification techniques such as removing fallen trees and other debris can reduce the attractiveness of an area for the beaver while providing alternative food sources away from human structures.


If you’re in Kansas City and have a beaver problem, Wildlife Damage Solutions’ professional wildlife control services are the best way to remove them humanely and protect your property. Professional wildlife control services from Wildlife Damage Solutions are the best and most effective modern solutions for getting rid of beavers quickly and safely. Their experts can help protect your property while providing humane removal options that will keep both you and the animals safe. Don’t wait any longer – contact Wildlife Damage Solutions today to start protecting your home from unwanted pests like beavers.

Take proactive steps to protect your property from beavers by engaging professional wildlife control services. Working with an experienced team can help you effectively manage and reduce the impact of these animals on your land.

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