Welcome to our comprehensive guide on how to get rid of opossums! In this blog, we’ll explore various effective strategies that will help you reclaim your space from these uninvited guests. But before we delve into the solutions, let’s take a closer look at these fascinating creatures.

Opossums, scientifically known as Didelphimorphia, are the only marsupials found in North America. With their prehensile tails and opposable thumbs, they are well-adapted to an arboreal lifestyle. However, their adaptability often leads them to urban and suburban areas, where they can cause disturbances and property damage.

While opossums may seem harmless, they can create a host of problems if they make themselves at home in your yard. From raiding trash cans and pet food to potentially spreading diseases, their presence can be a cause for concern. Therefore, understanding how to handle opossums responsibly is crucial for maintaining a harmonious living environment.

In this guide, we’ll cover a range of humane and effective methods to discourage opossums from your property. From identifying their entry points and making your yard less attractive to them, to using natural deterrents and employing exclusion techniques, we’ll explore strategies that have proven successful for homeowners and wildlife enthusiasts alike.

If you are looking for expert possum removal services, contact Wildlife Damage Solutions today!

Table of Contents:

Understanding Opossums and Their Behavior

Opossums, occasionally known as possums, are night-active marsupials that may cause harm to dwellings in the Kansas City region. Despite their notoriety for being a disturbance, they have an indispensable role in our biological community.

Identifying opossum activity around your home

To identify if you have an opossum problem at home, look out for distinct signs such as scat after eating or hissing and shrieking sounds when threatened. You may also notice overturned trash cans or pet food containers – these are classic indicators of their presence. For more information on identifying opossum activity around your home, check out this guide by Wildlife Damage Solutions.

The Role of Opossums in the Ecosystem

Despite causing some inconvenience to homeowners, it’s important to understand that possums contribute positively towards maintaining a healthy landscape. They eat ticks and slugs, which are two of the worst enemies of anyone trying to maintain a beautiful garden. Furthermore, contrary to common belief about disease transmission from opossums, the risk is low enough not to be considered a serious worry. National Geographic provides more insight into how they benefit our environment.

In conclusion, precautions should always be taken when dealing with wildlife like opossums due to their unique defense mechanism of playing dead when confronted by predators, which surprisingly tends to work in their favor by driving away potential threats. They also emit a green mucus secreted during the act of feigning death. So remember to keep a safe distance whenever possible while appreciating the benefits of having them nearby.

Damage Caused by Opossums

Opossums, or possums for short, are not just cute and harmless visitors. Opossums can be a real nuisance, leaving behind costly destruction that needs to be fixed.

Common Types of Property Damage Caused by Possums

These critters are notorious for tearing up furniture, scratching surfaces, and chewing through walls in search of food. They’ll even raid your pet’s food bowl and snack on fallen berries in your yard. The damage they cause can be costly to fix.

Health Risks Associated with Opossum Waste

But the damage isn’t just physical. Opossum waste, including rotting food and feces, can emit an unpleasant odor and harbor harmful bacteria and parasites. It’s essential to be vigilant when it comes to managing opossum waste. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) provides guidelines on how to handle it safely.

Don’t let these nocturnal pests cause any more damage. Wildlife Damage Solutions offers comprehensive solutions tailored specifically to address problems related to opossums. Trust us to keep your property safe and possum-free.

Effective Methods for Warding Off Opossums

Opossums, those sneaky marsupials that roam around at night, can be a real nuisance. But fear not, there are ways to keep them away from your property without resorting to violence or harm.

Setting Up Humane Traps Correctly

Another option is to use humane traps designed specifically for medium-sized pests like opossums. To increase your chances of success, set up the trap near areas where opossum activity has been noticed, such as feeding spots or nesting areas.

Once you’ve set up the trap, bait it with something irresistible to opossums, like canned cat food or fruit. Then, camouflage the trap with leaves or other natural materials to make it look like a hollow shelter that possums love to hide in.

Pro tip: Check the trap regularly and release any trapped opossums at least 5 miles away from your property.

When All Else Fails, Call in the Pros

However, these techniques may not be entirely successful. If you’re still having trouble with opossums, it’s best to call in the professionals. Wildlife control services like Wildlife Damage Solutions have the experience and expertise to deal with opossums and other pests humanely and effectively.

Remember, opossums are just trying to survive like the rest of us. By using these methods, you can keep them away from your property without causing them harm.

Key Takeaway: 


The article provides effective and humane methods for getting rid of opossums, including using rodent repellents, setting up humane traps correctly, and calling in professionals if needed. It also suggests making natural repellents with ingredients like garlic and cayenne pepper. The key takeaway is that opossums can be deterred without causing them harm or resorting to violence.

Trapping Opossums: Check Your Traps Regularly

Opossums are sneaky creatures, but with the right strategies and a little patience, you can successfully capture these nocturnal marsupials.

Best Practices for Checking Traps Daily

Identify areas of activity around your property and set up humane traps near these hotspots. Bait them with fruits or vegetables that possums find irresistible. Remember to check your traps daily to increase your chances of capturing an opossum and ensure any trapped animal doesn’t suffer unnecessarily from hunger or stress.

Potential Dangers Posed by Unattended Traps

Unattended traps can pose risks to both wildlife and pets. Non-target animals may get caught accidentally, while pets might be attracted by the bait used in traps leading to unintended injuries. To mitigate this risk, ensure all baits used are safe and non-toxic like fresh fruit slices which won’t harm other creatures if consumed inadvertently. The National Wildlife Federation suggests using safer alternatives when dealing with pest control issues at home.

Remember to prioritize humane practices whenever possible, showing respect towards our local wildlife population. Regular monitoring of your trap setup is key to a successful removal and relocation process, ensuring the safety and well-being of all involved parties, including unsuspecting pets roaming freely outdoors during nighttime.

Professional Removal and Relocation Services

Are you tired of dealing with pesky opossums? It’s time to enlist the help of experienced professionals. Professional removal and relocation services can handle these critters safely and effectively, without causing harm to anyone involved.

Wildlife Damage Solutions: Your Opossum Problem Solved

When it comes to opossum removal, Wildlife Damage Solutions is the go-to service provider in the Kansas City metropolitan area. Their team uses humane methods to trap and relocate opossums, ensuring that the animals are not stressed or harmed during the process.

But that’s not all. Wildlife Damage Solutions also offers cleanup services to eliminate any traces of opossum waste and reduce the chances of re-infestation. Receive a complimentary assessment from the professionals at Wildlife Damage Solutions to ascertain the magnitude of destruction and identify an effective plan of action.

Don’t let opossums take over your property. Call in the professionals at Wildlife Damage Solutions for a quick and ethical solution.

Legal Considerations When Dealing With Opossums

Dealing with wildlife, including opossums, involves legal considerations. Before trapping or relocating them, check the state laws of Kansas City.

Understanding Local Wildlife Laws Related to Opossum Control

Regulations vary from place to place and are designed for the safety of humans and the ethical treatment of these creatures. Homeowners may be allowed to trap nuisance animals like opossums, but releasing them back into their natural habitats may require a permit.

If you’re unsure about your local laws, contact your local animal control agency or a professional pest management company like Wildlife Damage Solutions for clarity.

Failure to adhere to these regulations may result in severe repercussions. Understanding and respecting these guidelines ensures an approach that aligns with conservation efforts while effectively resolving your opossum issue.

Beyond avoiding fines, we share responsibility in preserving balance within our ecosystem, including respecting all its inhabitants, even those considered nuisances by some. So next time you encounter an opossum, remember they too have a role to play in nature’s grand scheme of things. Let’s strive to keep a peaceful balance with the natural world.

Benefits of Having Opossums Nearby

Opossums may seem like a nuisance, but they actually help maintain the health of our landscapes. Opossums consume ticks and slugs, two common garden or lawn nuisances that can cause serious damage. So, having opossums nearby could be beneficial to homeowners trying to maintain a healthy landscape.

Opossums: Natural Pest Controllers

The diet of an opossum is diverse and includes many pests that are harmful to plants. This makes them excellent natural pest controllers. For more information about their dietary habits, check out this National Geographic article about opossums.

Myth Busting: Disease Transmission from Opossums

Contrary to popular belief, the risk of disease transmission from opossums to humans or pets is quite low. Though it’s wise to maintain a certain distance, close contact is not necessary. For more information on this topic, check out this Humane Society article about opossums.

Did you know that opossums have a unique defense mechanism? When confronted by predators, they play dead and secrete a green mucus that drives away potential threats. Talk about a stinky situation.

In short, while precautions should be taken around these animals (like any wildlife), there’s no need for undue fear or hostility towards them. Opossums are often misunderstood, but they bring actual benefits to our environment.

FAQs in Relation to How to Get Rid of Opossums

  • Use humane traps to catch and release possums in a safe location.
  • Seal off any entry points to your property to prevent possums from getting in.
  • Remove any food sources, such as pet food or garbage, that may be attracting possums.
  • Try using natural deterrents, such as predator urine or bright lights, to keep possums away.

Remember, it’s important to avoid harming possums and to follow local laws and regulations when dealing with wildlife.


As we conclude our comprehensive guide on how to get rid of opossums, it’s important to remember that coexistence and humane solutions should always be our priority. While these creatures may occasionally disrupt our daily routines and cause inconvenience, they play an important role in the ecosystem by controlling pests and scavenging carrion.

Throughout this blog, we have explored various strategies to deter opossums from your property. From securing trash cans and removing food sources to sealing entry points and utilizing natural repellents, there are numerous effective methods at your disposal. By implementing these measures, you can significantly reduce the chances of opossums returning to your yard.

However, it’s crucial to exercise caution and respect when dealing with wildlife. Never resort to harmful or lethal methods to remove opossums, as they are protected in many areas and killing them may be illegal. Instead, focus on prevention, deterrence, and utilizing humane techniques that encourage the opossums to find alternative habitats.

If you find yourself facing persistent opossum-related challenges despite your best efforts, it’s advisable to seek assistance from wildlife professionals. They have the experience and knowledge to handle the situation safely and ethically, ensuring the well-being of both you and the opossums.