Dealing with a raccoon problem in your attic can be quite challenging, especially when you’re unsure of how to get rid raccoon in the attic effectively. Raccoons are notorious for their smarts and ability to adjust, rendering them tough pests in any residence.

For DIY-minded homeowners, this blog post will provide guidance on how to remove raccoons from their attics, including securing garbage cans, and setting up specific traps.

Beyond adult raccoons, it’s crucial to address baby raccoons as well. You’ll learn about locating litters within your attic and using pups as live bait inside traps for effective removal of entire family units.

Finally, we will delve into the benefits of hiring professional wildlife removal services for those who prefer expert assistance. This includes ensuring proper sanitation and decontamination procedures after successfully getting rid of these pesky critters from your home’s most vulnerable spaces.

By following our comprehensive guide on how to get rid raccoon in the attic, you can safeguard your Kansas City metropolitan area property against potential damage caused by these unwelcome guests while keeping both humans and animals safe throughout the process.

Table of Contents:

how to get rid raccoon in the attic

DIY Raccoon Removal Methods

Raccoons can be a common nuisance in residential areas, especially when they find their way into attics. Once you have identified if there is a raccoon in your attic, there are some gentle techniques that can be used to deter wildlife from your home.

Bright lights, such as LED flashlights or floodlights, can be used to create a hostile environment that raccoons will want to avoid.

Similarly, loud noises such as setting a loud battery-operated radio in the attic or in the fireplace can also be effective in driving raccoons away.

Additionally, unpleasant smells can be used to deter raccoons. A bowl of cider vinegar at the base of the chimney can create an unpleasant smell that raccoons will want to avoid.

It is important to note that these techniques may not always work and that it is always best to consult with a professional wildlife removal company to ensure the safe and humane removal of raccoons.

Securing Garbage Cans with Lids and Eliminating Water Sources Outside Your Home

Raccoons are attracted to easy food sources such as garbage cans and pet dishes left outside overnight. To discourage them from entering your property, make sure all trash cans have secure lids that cannot be easily opened by these clever creatures. Additionally, remove any standing water on your property that may serve as a drinking source for raccoons.

Setting Up Raccoon-Specific Traps

If the above methods are not effective, you may consider using raccoon-specific traps to catch and remove these animals from your attic. There are various types of raccoon traps available on the market, including live-catch cage traps and body-grip traps.

When setting up a trap:

  1. Select an appropriate location in or near the attic where raccoons have been spotted or signs of their presence are evident (e.g., droppings, nesting materials).
  2. Bait the trap with foods that attract raccoons such as marshmallows, canned tuna, or sweet corn.
  3. Check the trap frequently to ensure timely removal of any captured animal.

Note: Always follow state/local laws regarding trapping and relocation/release procedures for wildlife. In some areas, it is illegal to relocate trapped animals without proper permits. Consult your local wildlife agency for guidance if needed.

DIY Raccoon Removal Methods are a great way to get rid of raccoons in your attic without having to call in an expert. However, it is important to be aware that baby raccoons may also need removal if they have taken up residence as well and the next heading will discuss how best handle them.

Key Takeaway: 

To get rid of raccoons in your attic, you can try DIY methods such as removing food sources, using ammonia-soaked tennis balls or setting up traps. It’s important to secure garbage cans with lids and eliminate water sources outside your home to discourage raccoons from entering your property. Always follow state/local laws regarding trapping and relocation/release procedures for wildlife.

Handling Baby Raccoons

If you suspect that baby raccoons are present in your attic, it’s crucial to handle the situation with extra care. This is because baby raccoons may be hiding within walls or ceilings, and separating them from their mother can lead to potential re-infestation later on when they seek reunion after being released elsewhere away from your property.

Locating Baby Raccoon Litters in the Attic

The first step in dealing with baby raccoons is locating their litter. To do this, listen for any unusual noises such as scratching or squeaking sounds coming from your attic during daytime hours when adult raccoons are likely out searching for food. Once you’ve identified the general area where these sounds originate, carefully inspect it using a flashlight while wearing gloves and a mask to protect yourself against potential health risks associated with raccoon infestations.

  • Check corners and crevices behind insulation materials or stored items.
  • Look inside ventilation ducts if accessible.
  • Examine areas near entry points used by adult raccoons such as roof vents or soffits.

If you find a nest of baby raccoons, it is essential to contact Wildlife Damage Solutions to remove the litter and their family.

Professional Wildlife Removal Services

In cases where DIY methods prove unsuccessful or you’re unsure about handling raccoon removal yourself, it’s best to turn to professionals like Wildlife Damage Solutions. These experienced specialists can safely handle wildlife removal without causing harm to themselves or the animals involved while ensuring proper sanitation and decontamination procedures are followed post-removal.

It is important to remember that handling baby raccoons should only be done by a professional wildlife removal specialist. For more efficient and effective removal of entire family units, hiring experienced professionals for the job can provide numerous benefits such as proper sanitation and decontamination procedures after raccoon removal.

Key Takeaway: 

To get rid of raccoons in the attic, it’s important to locate their litter and handle baby raccoons with care. Using pups as live bait inside traps can help catch the entire family unit, but it’s essential to follow state and local laws regarding trapping. Professional wildlife removal services like Wildlife Damage Solutions can safely handle the situation if DIY methods prove unsuccessful or uncertain.

Professional Wildlife Removal Services

In some cases, it’s necessary to hire professionals like Wildlife Damage Solutions who can safely handle wildlife removal without causing harm to themselves or animals involved. They ensure proper sanitation and decontamination procedures are followed post-removal which is essential given potential health risks associated with raccoon infestations such as rabies transmission.

The Benefits of Hiring Experienced Wildlife Removal Specialists

Hiring a professional wildlife removal service has several advantages over DIY methods:

  • Safety: Professionals have the knowledge and equipment to remove raccoons from your attic without putting themselves or the animals at risk.
  • Efficacy: Experts in wildlife control know how to locate all entry points used by raccoons, ensuring that they won’t return after being removed.
  • Humane treatment: A reputable company will use humane techniques for capturing and relocating raccoons, minimizing stress on the animals during the process.
  • Cleanup and repair: Professional services not only remove the critters but also clean up any mess left behind (such as feces) and repair damage caused by their presence (like chewed wires).

Ensuring Proper Sanitation and Decontamination Procedures After Raccoon Removal

Raccoon infestations pose various health hazards due to diseases they carry, such as rabies. Therefore, thorough cleaning of the attic is crucial once these pests are removed from your home. Here’s what you can expect when hiring a professional team like Wildlife Damage Solutions for this task:

  1. Inspection: A thorough inspection of the affected area is conducted to identify all contaminated spots and assess the damage.
  2. Removal of waste: Professionals will remove any feces, urine, or nesting materials left behind by raccoons.
  3. Cleaning and disinfection: The entire area is cleaned using specialized equipment and products that kill bacteria, viruses, and parasites. This step ensures your attic is safe for you and your family after raccoon removal.
  4. Air purification: If necessary, air purifiers may be used to eliminate lingering odors caused by raccoon presence in the attic.

In conclusion, hiring a professional wildlife removal service like Wildlife Damage Solutions guarantees effective results while ensuring safety for both humans and animals involved. With their expertise in handling raccoon infestations – from capture to cleanup – homeowners can rest easy knowing their property is protected against future invasions. If you need assistance with raccoons or other wildlife issues in the Kansas City metropolitan area, contact Wildlife Damage Solutions.

Key Takeaway: 

Hiring a professional wildlife removal service like Wildlife Damage Solutions is beneficial in getting rid of raccoons from your attic as they have the knowledge and equipment to do it safely and effectively. Professional wildlife removal services like Wildlife Damage Solutions can guarantee that the necessary sanitation and decontamination measures are taken after raccoons have been removed, as this is key in avoiding any health risks associated with their presence, such as rabies. So, homeowners can rest easy knowing their property is protected against future invasions.

FAQs in Relation to How to Get Rid of Raccoons in the Attic

Will Raccoons Eventually Leave on Their Own?

Raccoons may temporarily leave an attic to search for food or due to weather changes, but they often return if the area remains accessible and provides shelter. To permanently remove raccoons, homeowners should seal entry points, eliminate food sources, and use deterrents such as ammonia-soaked tennis balls.

How Do I Permanently Get Rid of Raccoons?

To permanently get rid of raccoons:

  1. Secure garbage cans with tight-fitting lids.
  2. Eliminate water sources outside your home.
  3. Seal all potential entry points into your attic.
  4. Use repellents like ammonia-soaked tennis balls in the attic.
  5. Contact a professional wildlife removal service if necessary.

For more information on effective methods, visit this guide on raccoon prevention and control.

Will Raccoons Leave a Hot Attic?

Raccoons are medium-sized mammals that can adapt to different environments, including hot attics. They may leave temporarily to search for food or water, but they will return if the area provides shelter. It’s important to remove raccoons humanely and clean up raccoon droppings to prevent health risks. If you have a mother raccoon and her babies in the attic, it’s best to wait until the babies are old enough to leave with their mother before sealing entry points.

If you have a raccoon problem, it’s important to take action to deter and repel raccoons before they cause damage to your property. By following these tips and contacting a professional raccoon removal service if necessary, you can keep your home safe and raccoon-free.


Eliminating raccoons from the attic can be a difficult job, yet with the proper approaches and techniques, it is possible to keep these pesky creatures away. From securing garbage cans and using repellents to setting up traps and seeking professional help, there are various ways to handle a raccoon infestation.

To avoid raccoon infestations in the future, preventive measures such as sealing off entry points and removing potential food sources from your property should be taken. By taking steps such as sealing off entry points and removing potential food sources from your property, you can minimize the risk of future invasions.

If you’re struggling with how to get rid raccoon in the attic on your own or want more information about our professional wildlife removal services, contact us at Wildlife Damage Solutions LLC. Our experienced team will work with you to develop a customized plan for effective and humane raccoon removal.