If you’re dealing with muskrat problems, you know how frustrating it can be to try and control these persistent critters. Muskrats live in wetlands and are known for their ability to cause damage by burrowing into dams, levees, and shorelines. In this blog post, we’ll explore practical ways of muskrat removal that will help you get rid of them once and for all.

We’ll also cover other methods such as trapping and exclusion techniques that have proven successful in controlling muskrat populations. Gaining insight into the habits of these animals can help devise strategies that are both humane and successful in keeping them away from our dwellings.

In conclusion, if you’re struggling with pesky muskrats causing damage on your property or nearby wetlands areas then read on! Our expert tips will give you everything needed for successful control measures so that they don’t come back again soon after being removed!

If you are looking for professional muskrat removal, contact Wildlife Damage Solutions today!

Table of Contents:Muskrat Removal Kansas City

Muskrat Removal Near Me

Muskrats can be a nuisance to homeowners in the Kansas City metropolitan area. Their burrowing and gnawing activities can lead to considerable destruction of gardens, landscaping, pools, and other parts of the home. Wildlife Damage Solutions offers professional muskrat removal services that are humane and effective.

Our trapping techniques involve using live traps anchored on floors near shorelines or bodies of water where muskrats are likely to inhabit. We also use electronic repellents which emit high-frequency sound waves designed to deter these pests from entering your property.

Fencing can be an effective barrier to muskrats and other animals, such as raccoons, skunks, and deer; it should be at least four feet tall with a six-inch overhang above ground level. The fencing should be at least 4 feet tall with an overhang extending outward 6 inches above ground level so that animals cannot climb over it or dig underneath it. Additionally, we recommend installing liners inside any ponds or lakes you may have on your property in order to prevent muskrats from getting into them and causing damage there too.

We also suggest adding heavier ornaments like natural stones or wood around the perimeter fence line in order to make it more difficult for animals like muskrats to get through them if they try digging underneath the fence posts. Lastly, we offer over-the-counter pesticides that can be sprayed onto plants around the perimeter fence line which will help keep away unwanted visitors like these pesky rodents.

At Wildlife Damage Solutions, our priority is customer satisfaction while providing safe solutions for controlling pest populations including those of muskrats without harming any living creatures in the process. Our experienced team can be trusted to efficiently and quickly eliminate pesky critters from your property, whether it’s a residence or commercial space.

Muskrat eradication is a crucial component of preserving a secure and healthy abode, thus it’s essential to be aware of the dangers related to these creatures. To better protect your family and property from muskrats, it’s essential to learn more about their behavior and how best to remove them safely.

Key Takeaway: Wildlife Damage Solutions offers professional muskrat removal services, utilizing humane trapping techniques and effective repellents. We also suggest installing a perimeter fence with liners in any ponds or lakes you may have on your property as well as heavier ornaments like natural stones or wood to deter these pesky rodents. Our team of experts is here to help remove the critters quickly and efficiently without harming them.

The Dangers of Muskrats

Muskrats are a common nuisance in the Kansas City metropolitan area. These medium-sized rodents can cause significant damage to banks, ponds, irrigation lines, and fountain heads if left unchecked. They love to eat aquatic vegetation and will even kill expensive pond fish. When their populations grow too large an “eat-out” may occur which can lead to contaminated drinking water for humans causing flu-like symptoms.

Muskrats can be carriers of numerous health hazards, including leptospirosis, rat bite fever, tularemia, and salmonellosis. It is important for homeowners to be aware of the potential dangers posed by muskrats so they can take action before it’s too late.

Signs that you have a muskrat problem include gnawed tree stumps or roots near bodies of water as well as burrows along riverbanks or streamsides leading into water sources like lakes or ponds. You might also see evidence of them in your garden with damaged plants or vegetables caused by their sharp teeth and claws digging around looking for food sources like grubs and worms underground.

Wildlife control professionals should always prioritize humane removal practices to minimize stress on the muskrats while ensuring their safety from further harm. We use specialized tools such as traps and electronic repellents designed specifically for these pests, so it’s best not to try tackling this problem solo; otherwise, you’ll be swimming upstream against a quickly reproducing population. If left unchecked, people living nearby could contract diseases carried by these rodents – so let us take care of it before things get out of hand.

Heed the warnings of muskrats, for they can wreak havoc on your abode. Before any action is taken, it’s essential to determine if muskrats are present and causing damage.

Key Takeaway: As a highly competent professional, I would say that muskrats can be a serious nuisance in the Kansas City area and need to be dealt with swiftly before they cause damage or spread diseases. Their populations must be controlled humanely using special tools like traps and repellents; otherwise, people living nearby could suffer ill effects from these pests.

Signs You Have a Muskrat Problem

If you live in the Kansas City metropolitan area and have noticed burrows or lodges built from mud, stems, and roots near your pond or lake, it’s likely that you have a muskrat problem. These pesky creatures can wreak havoc on shrubbery and trees located near water, as they chomp away at them. They also like to dig tunnels into banks leading up towards homes or buildings nearby where they might find shelter or food sources such as gardens, bird feeders, pet food dishes etcetera.

Muskrats are especially attracted to areas with muddy water which is why homeowners should be on the lookout for this type of environment around their property. The presence of fox urine and coyote urine may help deter these pests from entering your yard but if that doesn’t work then more aggressive measures will need to be taken. If you suspect a muskrat issue, it is recommended to call in an expert wildlife control specialist for evaluation and further steps.

The most humane way of removing muskrats is by trapping them using live traps baited with fruits, vegetables, nuts, grains, fish meal, etc. Once trapped the animal should be relocated far enough away so that it won’t return back home again; however, this isn’t always possible depending on local laws and regulations regarding relocation distances, so make sure to check those first before attempting anything yourself.

It is essential to take immediate action if any of these indicators are noticed and reach out to a wildlife management specialist. We understand the importance of humanely removing muskrats from your property in order to protect both people and animals alike; our next heading will explain how we do this safely and effectively.

How We Remove Muskrats Humanely

At Wildlife Damage Solutions, we understand the importance of humanely removing muskrats from residential areas near freshwater wetlands in the Kansas City metropolitan area. We have a team of experienced professionals who use an integrated approach to ensure no other pests take their place once removed successfully.

Our process begins with trapping live animals using traps anchored on floors near shorelines. We also use electronic repellents and fencing liners placed inside ponds or lakes to discourage muskrats from returning. Natural stones, wood, and heavier ornaments can be used as deterrents too. Additionally, over-the-counter pesticides can be sprayed onto plants around perimeter fences for added protection against these nuisance critters.

We also replace insulation rotted boards and metal sheeting that may have been damaged by the muskrat activity in order to prevent future entry into homes and businesses in your neighborhood. Our team is committed to providing world-class customer service while keeping our methods humane throughout the entire process – from trapping through exclusion repairs.

To further deter muskrats from coming back, we recommend sprinkling fox urine or coyote urine around your property’s perimeter as well as ensuring muddy water sources are kept away since they are attracted to it like bees on honey. By taking all these steps together you will reduce any risk of reoccurring infestations while protecting both people and animals alike.

We strive to remove muskrats humanely and in a way that minimizes the disruption of their natural habitat. To prevent future damage from these pests, it is important to understand prevention techniques for muskrat control.

Prevention Techniques for Muskrat Damage

To dissuade muskrats from settling, homeowners should take proactive steps to reduce the availability of their favorite plants by removing them from the vicinity of ponds and lakes. To ensure success, a fence must encircle the entire perimeter of these bodies of water to prevent burrowing underneath. Additionally, placing liners inside your pond or lake along with heavy stones and wooden decorations will act as an effective deterrent. Furthermore, applying over-the-counter pesticides on nearby vegetation can help deter muskrats due to limited food sources in small gardens compared to larger rivers, streams, drainage ditches marshes, and lakes which offer a variety of choices that satisfy hunger cravings.

Fencing can be an effective measure to safeguard your land from muskrats and other intruding animals. Make sure that any fencing you install completely surrounds your pond or waterway and extends at least two feet below ground level so that animals cannot burrow beneath it. Electric fences are another option for keeping out unwanted visitors; however, make sure they’re installed properly according to local laws and regulations before using this method as a form of control. Additionally, adding liners inside ponds helps prevent potential digging while heavier stones and wood pieces act as natural deterrents when strategically placed around shorelines – think “fortifying” rather than decorating.

Finally, using over-the-counter pesticides on garden areas may help keep away pesky critters such as muskrats who don’t find much sustenance in small gardens without palatable plants like those found near larger bodies of water (rivers, streams, drainage ditches, marshes, lakes, etc.). By taking preventive measures such as installing fences, adding liners and heavier objects around ponds/lakeshores plus spraying pesticides regularly – homeowners can greatly reduce their chances for costly repairs associated with nuisance animal damage in the Kansas City metro area.

By implementing these prevention techniques, homeowners can help reduce the risk of muskrat damage in their yards. Professional removal services are an important part of effective and long-term control for muskrats, as they provide specialized trapping and repellent options that cannot be found over the counter.

Key Takeaway: To keep muskrats away from your property, build a fence around the perimeter of any ponds or lakes to prevent burrowing and add liners inside as an extra deterrent. Additionally, use over-the-counter pesticides on nearby vegetation to reduce their food sources – this is known colloquially in the Kansas City area as “fortifying” rather than decorating.

The Importance of Professional Removal Services

The importance of professional removal services when dealing with muskrats cannot be overstated. These animals can cause extensive damage to your property, and attempting to remove them yourself can be dangerous and ineffective. Wildlife Damage Solutions offers humane methods that prioritize customer satisfaction while offering multiple solutions for controlling populations.

Trapping is a common method used by professionals for muskrat removal. Traps should always be placed on solid ground near shorelines, as these animals prefer shallow water areas where they are more easily accessible. The type of trap employed should be appropriate for the size of the muskrat being sought; too large a snare may not capture smaller critters, while small traps can inflict harm or even death if left unattended. Additionally, it’s important to check traps regularly so that any captured animals do not suffer unnecessarily from prolonged confinement in an unsuitable environment.

For muskrat control without trapping or killing, electronic repellents are a viable option. Fox and coyote urine have been known to be effective deterrents; however, their efficacy relies on how often they’re applied and if there is an alternative food source nearby that would draw the animals back in.

Fencing is also an option when trying to keep out muskrats; however, due diligence must still be taken in order to ensure its efficacy against such determined creatures. Fences should ideally extend underground several feet deep in order to prevent burrowing underneath them as well as extending aboveground several feet high so as not to leave any gaps open through which they might squeeze undetected. Additionally, liners and heavy ornaments such as stones/wood logs can help make fences even more difficult for these critters to navigate around successfully whilst simultaneously making them less attractive places in general due to their lack of vegetation cover.

Key Takeaway: Professional muskrat removal services are essential in order to ensure the safety and efficiency of any control measures taken; trapping, repellents, and fencing can all be employed to great effect, however, certain requirements need to be met for each one in order for their work properly – otherwise you’ll find yourself ‘up a creek without a paddle’.


We have a team of experienced professionals who are dedicated to humanely removing muskrats with minimal disruption or stress on them. Our prevention techniques will help you avoid future problems while our removal process ensures that no harm comes to the animal or your property. Don’t hesitate to contact us if you suspect a muskrat problem on your premises.

If you are looking for a reliable and efficient solution to muskrat removal near you, contact us today. Our team of experts will work with you to find the best wildlife control option that meets your needs.
