Vole Removal

Vole Removal

Vole Removal

A vole is a small rodent. A relative of the mouse, the vole has a stouter body, a shorter, hairy tail, a slightly rounder head, and smaller ears and eyes.

Voles often eat succulent root systems and burrow under plants or ground cover and eat away until the plant is dead. Bulbs in the ground are another favorite target for voles; their excellent burrowing and tunneling skills give them access to sensitive areas without clear or early warning. The presence of large numbers of voles is often only identifiable after they have destroyed a number of plants. 

A vole infestation can cause damage to your property and can be difficult to manage, with risks and legalities to consider before you begin. We recommend professional vole removal to reduce the risk of harm to you or your home, keeping both your loved ones and your wildlife neighbors safe.

If you need professional vole removal, contact Wildlife Damage Solutions today.

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