Raccoon Removal

Professional Raccoon Removal Services

Raccoons are intelligent and adaptable animals that can thrive in both urban and rural environments. While they may look cute and harmless, raccoons can cause significant damage to property, spread diseases, and pose a threat to human safety.

If you suspect that raccoons have made their way onto your property or have taken up residence in your attic or crawl space, it is important to take action to remove them safely and effectively. If you are dealing with raccoons in your home or business, professional raccoon removal services can come to your rescue.

Understanding the Hazards Posed by Raccoons in Your Neighborhood

A raccoon is one of the most abundant mammals in North America. They are highly intelligent omnivores and are extremely adaptable to urban environments.

Raccoons carry numerous diseases that can be detrimental to both human and pet health, and transmission is usually the result of incorrect handling of the pests, which leads to bites or scratches, or direct contact with their feces:

Rabies: spread via saliva and causes muscle pain, dizziness, fatigue, loss of appetite, fever, delirium, and irritability.

Raccoon Roundworm: also known as baylisascaris, this parasite is found in the pest’s feces and induces unpleasant symptoms like liver enlargement, loss of muscle control, blindness, and disorientation.

Leptospirosis: bacteria spread via excrement which causes fever, headache, chills, muscle aches, jaundice, and potentially even kidney or liver failure.

Giardiasis: gastrointestinal ailment that induces bloating, vomiting, indigestion, and loss of appetite in those afflicted.

Salmonellosis: when ingested, the Salmonella bacteria brings about abdominal pain and diarrhea.

Raccoon populations often harbor a number of dangerous diseases and parasites that can easily be transmitted to humans who do not take proper precautions. Diseases like leptospirosis, salmonella, giardiasis, and E. coli can be contracted when people consume food or water contaminated with raccoon urine or feces. Common symptoms of many of these diseases include diarrhea, muscle aches, anemia, meningitis, abdominal pain, urinary tract infections, and fever. Finally, raccoons can carry rabies. Transmitted by bites or scratches, rabies is a deadly disease that requires immediate treatment.

DIY Methods of Removing Raccoons from Your Home

To remove raccoons from your attic without professional help, you can utilize gentle techniques such as bright lights, loud noises, and unpleasant smells. Setting a loud battery-operated radio in the attic or fireplace and placing a bowl of cider vinegar at the base of the chimney can help deter raccoons. A combination of these techniques is recommended as multisensory harassment is most effective, involving the use of light, noise, and smell. Read more about DIY methods of removing raccoons in our blog.

A raccoon infestation can cause damage to your property and can be difficult to manage, with risks and legalities to consider before you begin. We recommend professional raccoon removal to reduce the risk of harm to you or your home, keeping both your loved ones and your wildlife neighbors safe.

Encountering Baby Raccoons: Handle with Care

When you come across baby raccoons, it’s important to proceed with caution. Observe from a distance to avoid disturbing the family, as the mother may be nearby, ensuring the young raccoons’ safety. If you suspect the babies are in distress or have been orphaned, contact a local wildlife rehabilitation expert or animal control rather than attempting to handle or relocate them yourself. Baby raccoons require specialized care, and their well-being is best left in the hands of professionals.

For more information on how to deal with baby raccoons and to learn about their behavior, check out our comprehensive Baby Raccoon FAQ page.

If you need professional raccoon removal, contact Wildlife Damage Solutions today.

raccoon removal services

Contact Wildlife Damage Solutions today for expert raccoon removal services.
