Squirrels can be a delightful sight in the garden, but they can also be a nuisance when they begin to wreak havoc on plants and garden beds. From stealing fruits and vegetables to digging up newly planted seeds, these furry creatures can cause a lot of damage. While it’s true that squirrels are an important part of the ecosystem, it’s also essential to protect the garden from their destructive tendencies. 

In this blog, we’ll explore various humane and effective ways to get rid of squirrels in the garden. We’ll cover everything from natural deterrents to safe trapping methods, so you can choose the option that best fits your needs and values. Whether you’re an experienced gardener or just starting, this guide will provide you with the tools you need to protect your garden and keep the squirrels at bay.

Table of Contents:

Eliminating Squirrel Food Sources

By removing the food sources, you can effectively deter squirrels from your garden and prevent any damage they may cause. This not only helps in keeping squirrels away but also ensures that they don’t cause any squirrel damage. Here are some steps you can take to prevent squirrel access to food:

Securely Covering Compost Piles and Bins

Maintaining a clean environment around your garden is essential for discouraging squirrels. Ensure that compost piles or bins are securely covered, and avoid leaving trash or pet food outdoors. This will help you prevent squirrels from finding easy meals.

Using a Nut Gatherer Tool for Removing Fallen Nuts

Squirrels love munching on nuts like acorns, hickory nuts, and walnuts. To discourage them from visiting your yard, use a nut-gatherer tool to remove these tasty treats from beneath trees regularly. Try substituting sunflower seeds in your backyard bird feeders with safflower to make them less attractive to squirrels.

  • Natural Ways: Grow plants that squirrels hate, such as daffodils and alliums.
  • Predator Decoy: Place a fake owl or hawk near existing feeders to deter squirrels.
  • Feed Corn: Offer feed corn in a separate area of your yard, away from your garden beds and bird feeders. This can help distract squirrels from other food sources.

By taking these measures, you’ll be able to effectively repel squirrels without causing them any harm, aligning with Wildlife Damage Solutions’ approach towards handling these critters safely and humanely.

By securely covering compost piles and bins, as well as using a nut gatherer tool for removing fallen nuts, you can effectively eliminate squirrel food sources. To further protect your garden from these pesky critters, consider physical barriers such as row covers and fencing techniques.

Physical Barriers to Garden Protection

Protecting your garden from squirrels can be achieved by implementing various physical barriers that prevent their access while keeping them safe. This aligns with the practices of Wildlife Damage Solutions, which aims to handle these critters without causing harm.

Row Covers for Crop Protection

Row covers are an effective way to shield your crops from squirrel damage. These lightweight, permeable fabrics allow sunlight and water to reach plants while preventing pests like squirrels from reaching them. Secure the row covers using stakes or hoops, ensuring they’re tightly fastened so squirrels cannot sneak underneath.

Fencing Techniques to Keep Out Squirrels

Incorporating proper fencing techniques is essential in deterring squirrels from entering your garden. A fence should be buried at least 6 inches into the ground and lined with 1/4-inch hardware cloth (source). Additionally, consider installing a squirrel guard, such as a metal sheet wrapped around tree trunks or poles supporting bird feeders, which prevents climbing.

  • Metal Fences: Metal fences made of aluminum or steel are less likely to be chewed through by persistent squirrels compared to wooden ones.
  • Elevated Garden Beds: Raising garden beds off the ground makes it more difficult for squirrels to access plants; however, ensure there’s no overhanging vegetation that could provide an easy pathway.
  • Chicken Wire: Wrapping chicken wire around the base of plants or enclosing entire garden beds can help keep squirrels from digging and reaching your crops.

In addition to these physical barriers, installing fine mesh over fruit cages further prevents squirrel access while ensuring they remain unharmed in the process.

Physical barriers for garden protection can be an effective way to keep squirrels out of your garden. Natural deterrents, such as predator urine and homemade pepper spray recipes, are also worth considering when trying to get rid of pesky critters in the yard.

Discouraging Squirrel Activity in the Garden

To deter squirrels from damaging your garden, pruning overhanging branches and planting sacrificial vegetables are proven strategies that fit with Wildlife Damage Solutions’ humane approach. This can be achieved through various methods, such as pruning overhanging branches and planting sacrificial vegetables. 

Pruning Techniques for Discouraging Squirrels

Squirrels are notorious for using tree branches as a means of accessing rooftops or walls. To deter them from doing so, it’s essential to prune overhanging branches near these structures regularly. By removing potential pathways into your home or garden, you effectively discourage squirrels from invading your space while keeping them safe.

Sacrificial Vegetable Planting Strategy

An unconventional yet successful method of deterring squirrels involves growing extra vegetables specifically for their consumption. Known as sacrificial planting, this strategy diverts their attention away from your main crops without harming wildlife populations.

  • Select: Choose fast-growing plants like lettuce, radishes, or sunflower seeds that will attract squirrels but won’t impact the overall productivity of your garden significantly.
  • Distribute: Scatter these sacrificial plants throughout the garden beds so that they serve as decoys for hungry critters looking to feast on more valuable produce.
  • Maintain: Keep an eye on the condition of these decoy plants and replace them when necessary to ensure continuous protection against squirrel damage.

By implementing these techniques, you can effectively discourage squirrels from causing damage to your garden while adhering to Wildlife Damage Solutions’ commitment to humane wildlife control. Remember that prevention is key when it comes to keeping squirrels at bay and maintaining a healthy, thriving garden.

FAQs in Relation to How to Get Rid of Squirrels in the Garden

How to Get Rid of Squirrels in Your Garden

If you’re dealing with squirrels in your garden, you’re not alone. These cute critters can cause significant damage to your plants and bird feeders. Here are some effective strategies to keep them away:

  • Remove food sources: Cover compost piles and collect fallen nuts to eliminate food sources.
  • Install physical barriers: Use row covers and hardware cloth fencing to keep squirrels out of garden beds.
  • Use natural deterrents: Predator urine, homemade pepper spray, and peppermint essential oil can all help repel squirrels.
  • Encourage predators: Install owl nest boxes to attract natural predators to your garden.
  • Utilize motion-activated devices: Motion-activated sprinklers and lights can scare squirrels away.
  • Maintain your garden: Keep your garden clean and tidy to discourage squirrel activity.

What Do Squirrels Hate the Most?

Squirrels dislike strong smells and tastes that irritate their senses. Some effective repellents include predator urine (e.g., fox or coyote), homemade pepper spray made with cayenne pepper, garlic, or hot sauce, and peppermint essential oil. These can be applied around plants to deter squirrels from approaching.

What Keeps Squirrels Away from Plants?

To keep squirrels away from plants, employ a mix of methods: protect crops with row covers or fine mesh installations on fruit cages; apply natural deterrents like predator urine, homemade pepper spray, or peppermint essential oil around plant areas; use motion-activated sprinklers to scare them off when they approach your garden.

Do Coffee Grounds Keep Squirrels Away?

Coffee grounds may help repel some pests due to their strong odor but are not consistently effective in deterring squirrels. Instead of relying solely on coffee grounds for squirrel prevention in gardens, combine multiple tactics, including physical barriers and other natural repellents mentioned above.


Controlling squirrels in your garden may be daunting, but there are numerous methods to successfully prevent them. By eliminating food sources, using physical barriers, and natural deterrents, and encouraging predators’ presence, you can discourage squirrel activity around your plants.

Motion-activated devices and humane trapping are also useful options for those who want to take a more hands-on approach. Additionally, regular garden maintenance such as pruning overhanging branches and growing sacrificial vegetable offerings can help reduce squirrel damage.

If you’re struggling with how to get rid of squirrels in the garden, contact Wildlife Damage Solutions LLC today for expert advice on safe and effective pest control solutions.