Discovering how to get rid of squirrels naturally is essential for homeowners in the Kansas City metropolitan area who wish to protect their property and gardens from these persistent creatures. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore various methods that are not only effective but also environmentally friendly.

If you have squirrels in the house, read our comprehensive guide on how to remove wildlife from your home.

We will discuss strategies such as removing squirrel food sources by storing birdseed and pet food securely, as well as choosing squirrel-resistant plants for your garden. Additionally, you’ll learn about planting natural squirrel repellents like marigolds and peppermint plants.

Furthermore, we delve into utilizing homemade remedies with ingredients like cinnamon and garlic spray while introducing predator deterrents such as fox urine application. You’ll also discover the benefits of employing motion-activated devices like ultrasonic pest repellers and sprinklers.

Last but not least, our guide covers attracting natural predators through raptor perches installation or owl nest boxes while protecting edible crops using proper fencing techniques. Finally, we provide tips on sealing entry points in your home to prevent further infestations while guiding trapped squirrels toward safe exits.

By implementing these methods on how to get rid of squirrels naturally, you can effectively deter them from causing damage without resorting to harmful chemicals or inhumane practices.

Table of Contents:

Squirrels in the Yard

Eliminating Squirrel Food Sources

One way to discourage squirrels is by removing their food sources. Store any outdoor food in squirrel-proof containers and avoid leaving birdseed out. Switching bird feed from sunflower seeds to safflower seeds can also help since squirrels are less attracted to them.

Use Squirrel-Proof Containers for Outdoor Storage

To deter squirrels, it’s essential to store items like pet food, compost, and garbage in secure containers that prevent access. Invest in sturdy bins with tight-fitting lids or consider using metal trash cans with bungee cords securing the top.

Replace Sunflower Seeds with Safflower Seeds in Bird Feeders

Squirrels love sunflower seeds found in many bird feeders, making them a prime attraction. To discourage these critters from raiding your feeder, switch to offering safflower seeds instead. While birds still enjoy this alternative seed type, squirrels find it much less appealing due to its bitter taste.

  • Bird Seed: Replace traditional mixes containing sunflower and millet with those featuring only safflower or nyjer seed varieties.
  • Bird Feeders: Opt for squirrel-resistant models designed specifically to keep these pests at bay; look for features such as weight-activated perches that close off access when heavier animals attempt entry.
  • Fallen Nuts: Regularly clean up any fallen nuts, berries, or other potential food sources from your yard to discourage squirrels from foraging on your property.

Making these minor alterations to stop squirrels from getting food and gaining access to bird feeders can have a huge effect on avoiding an infestation of the creatures in your Kansas City abode. If you’re dealing with a squirrel population that’s already taken up residence, consider using natural squirrel repellent like peppermint oil or installing scare tactics like motion-activated sprinklers or fake predators to chase squirrels away. Trapped squirrels can be humanely removed and relocated to a more suitable habitat.

By utilizing squirrel-proof containers for outdoor storage and replacing sunflower seeds with safflower seeds in bird feeders, homeowners can help to reduce the food sources that attract squirrels. Proceeding from there, creating an inhospitable environment for these critters is a necessary part of keeping them away from your premises.

Making Your Yard Unappealing to Squirrels

One way to make your yard unappealing to squirrels is by using natural repellents and implementing strategic planting. This can be achieved through strategic planting and the use of natural squirrel repellents. By creating an environment that squirrels find unpleasant, you can significantly reduce their presence on your property.

Plant Marigolds, Daffodils, Hyacinths, or Mint Plants

Certain plants, such as marigolds, daffodils, hyacinths, and mint plants are known to be unappealing to squirrels due to their strong scent. Planting these around the edges of your garden will help repel small mammals like squirrels and prevent them from entering your yard in search of food.

Utilize Predator Urine or Irish Spring Soap

Predator urine is another natural squirrel deterrent that can be used effectively in keeping these critters away from your property. Fox urine or coyote urine mimics the scent of a predator which scares off tree squirrels and ground squirrels alike. You can purchase predator urine online or at local gardening stores; simply spray it near plants and trees where you’ve noticed squirrel activity.

In addition to predator urine, some homeowners have found success using Irish Spring soap. The strong scent is said to repel various pests including deer and rabbits as well as scare squirrels away when placed strategically throughout gardens.

  • Plant marigolds, daffodils, hyacinths or mint plants around the edges of your garden to repel squirrels.
  • Purchase predator urine such as fox urine and spray it near plants and trees where you’ve noticed squirrel activity.
  • Place bars of Irish Spring soap in strategic locations throughout your yard to deter squirrels from entering.

Maintaining a squirrel-free yard requires consistent effort. By implementing these natural methods, you can effectively prevent squirrels from invading your property while keeping them safe and unharmed in their natural habitat.

By planting marigolds, daffodils, hyacinths, or mint plants and utilizing predator urine or Irish spring soap to make your yard unappealing to squirrels you can help protect your home from these pesky critters.

Key Takeaway: 


To get rid of squirrels naturally, make your yard unappealing to them by planting marigolds, daffodils, hyacinths, or mint plants around the edges of your garden and using predator urine or Irish Spring soap as repellents. Consistent effort is required to maintain a squirrel-free yard while keeping them safe in their natural habitat.

Home Remedies for Squirrel Control

If you prefer a more natural approach to prevent squirrels from causing damage to your property, there are several home remedies that can effectively deter squirrels. Cost-effectiveness and environmental friendliness are two advantages of home remedies for controlling squirrel populations.

Cinnamon as a Natural Repellent

Cinnamon is renowned for its powerful scent, which serves as an effective deterrent to squirrels and other rodents. Simply sprinkle the cinnamon powder around the areas where you’ve seen squirrel activity or mix it with water to create a spray solution that can be applied directly onto affected surfaces.

Cayenne Pepper Flakes Deterrent Method

Another effective method of repelling squirrels is by using cayenne pepper flakes. Sprinkle them generously around your garden, especially near plants and trees frequented by these pesky critters. The spicy scent will discourage them from returning to those areas.

Garlic Spray Application

A homemade garlic spray works well in deterring tree squirrels when applied directly onto plants and trees they like to frequent. To make this spray, simply crush some garlic cloves, mix with water, and strain the mixture into a spray bottle. Apply the solution regularly on affected areas until you notice a decrease in squirrel presence.

  • Note: When using any of these home remedies, remember that consistency is key. Make sure to reapply frequently for optimal results.

These natural squirrel repellents are not only effective in controlling the squirrel population but also safe for your family, pets, and the environment. By implementing these methods, you can deter squirrels from your property without resorting to harmful chemicals or trapping them.

Home remedies for squirrel control can be a great way to naturally deter these pesky critters without the use of harsh chemicals. Installing motion sensors and ultrasonic pest repellers is another effective method that will help keep them away from your property.

Installing Motion Sensors and Ultrasonic Pest Repellers

One effective way to deter squirrels from your property is by using motion sensors and ultrasonic pest repellers. These devices can help keep these pesky critters at bay without causing harm to them or the environment.

Motion-Activated Sprinklers Installation

Motion-activated sprinklers are a great solution for homeowners looking to scare off squirrels while also keeping their lawns and gardens well-watered. When a squirrel comes within range of the sensor, the sprinkler system will activate, startling the animal with a sudden burst of water. This method not only deters squirrels but also eliminates the need for chemical intervention altogether.

Effectiveness of Ultrasonic Pest Repellers

In addition to motion-activated sprinklers, ultrasonic pest repellers can be an effective tool in controlling squirrel populations on your property. These devices emit high-frequency sounds that are undetectable by humans but unbearable for rodents like squirrels. Over time, this constant barrage of noise drives them away from your home and garden.

  • TIP: To maximize effectiveness, place multiple ultrasonic pest repeller units around your property’s perimeter as well as near any known squirrel entry points into buildings or structures.
  • Note: While some users report success with these devices, others may find them less effective. It’s important to remember that individual results may vary, and a combination of methods might be necessary for complete squirrel control.

By installing motion sensors and ultrasonic pest repellers on your property, you can effectively prevent squirrels from causing damage to your home and garden without resorting to harmful chemicals or inhumane trapping methods. This approach not only protects your property but also ensures the safety of these small mammals as they are gently encouraged to find a new habitat away from human dwellings.

Installing motion sensors and ultrasonic pest repellers is an effective way to keep squirrels away from your home, but creating physical barriers for gardens can provide added protection. By using wire fencing and hardware cloth, as well as covering bulbs with mesh or netting, you can help ensure that pesky critters stay out of your garden.

Key Takeaway: 


Install motion sensors and ultrasonic pest repellers to keep squirrels away from your property without harming them or the environment. Motion-activated sprinklers can also be used to scare off squirrels while keeping lawns and gardens well-watered, eliminating the need for chemical intervention. Place multiple ultrasonic pest repeller units around your property’s perimeter and near any known squirrel entry points into buildings or structures for maximum effectiveness.

Creating Physical Barriers to Gardens

Protecting your vegetable gardens from unwanted visitors like squirrels requires the installation of physical barriers. Constructing physical obstacles can not only impede squirrels from entering your garden but also discourage them from rooting and devouring the plants.

Wire Fencing and Hardware Cloth Installation

To create an effective barrier, consider installing wire fencing around the perimeter of your garden. The fence should be buried at least 6 inches deep underground to prevent squirrels from burrowing underneath it. Additionally, using a 1/4-inch hardware cloth can help reinforce the fence and make it more difficult for squirrels to chew through or climb over.

Covering Bulbs with Wire Mesh or Black Plastic Netting

Squirrels are notorious for digging up bulbs in search of food. To protect these valuable plantings, cover them with wire mesh or black plastic netting after planting. This will keep the pesky critters away while still allowing sunlight and water to reach the plants beneath. For added protection, you can even place a layer of peppermint oil-soaked cotton balls on top of the mesh before covering it with soil – this natural squirrel repellent will further discourage any curious creatures looking for a snack.

Maintaining these physical barriers is essential in preventing tree squirrels and ground squirrels alike from causing damage to your garden’s vegetation as well as helping control their population growth within your property boundaries. By taking these proactive measures, you’ll be able to enjoy a beautiful, squirrel-free garden and minimize the need for more invasive methods like trapping or using chemical repellents.

Remember that if you continue to experience a persistent squirrel problem despite implementing these barriers, it may be time to seek professional assistance from experts in Wildlife Damage Solutions, who specialize in handling wildlife animals carefully while ensuring no harm comes to them during removal processes.

Installing wire fencing and hardware cloth is an effective way to create physical barriers for gardens, helping keep squirrels away from your plants. Additionally, inviting natural predators such as raptors or dogs can be a great option to help control the local squirrel population.

Key Takeaway: 


To get rid of squirrels naturally, create physical barriers like wire fencing and hardware cloth around your garden. Cover bulbs with wire mesh or black plastic netting to prevent squirrels from digging them up. If the problem persists, seek professional assistance from experts in Wildlife Damage Solutions.

Maintaining Yard Cleanliness to Deter Squirrels

By tidying your yard and taking steps to make it less inviting, you can help deter squirrels from setting up residence. By removing potential food sources and planting unappealing plants, you can create a less inviting environment for these pesky critters.

Removing Fallen Nuts, Berries, and Trash Regularly

To deter squirrels naturally, it’s crucial to remove food sources that may attract them. This includes fallen nuts, berries, and other debris in your yard. Make sure to regularly clean up any waste or leftover birdseed from bird feeders as well. By maintaining a clean outdoor space, you reduce the chances of attracting tree squirrels or ground squirrels looking for their next meal.

Planting Unappealing Plants in the Garden

  • Daffodils: These beautiful flowers contain alkaloids that are toxic to rodents like squirrels; thus, they tend to avoid areas where daffodils are planted.
  • Snowdrops: Another bulb plant with similar properties as daffodils; snowdrops discourage squirrel activity due to their toxicity towards small mammals.
  • Alliums: The strong scent emitted by allium plants such as onions and garlic acts as a natural squirrel repellent.
  • Hyacinths: With their potent fragrance and toxic compounds within the bulbs, hyacinths make an excellent addition when trying to repel squirrels naturally.

Incorporating these plants into your garden can create an environment that is less inviting to squirrels, helping to deter them from causing destruction.

Laying Down Protective Barriers

After planting unappealing plants in your garden, consider laying down protective barriers like chicken wire to further secure it against intruders. Burying chicken wire at least 6 inches deep around the perimeter of your garden will help prevent ground squirrels from digging their way in. Additionally, covering bulbs with wire mesh or black plastic netting prevents tree squirrels from accessing them.

Keeping the garden in neat condition is essential for keeping squirrels away, and it should be done on a consistent basis to get optimal results. Hiring professionals specializing in wildlife damage solutions can provide additional assistance if needed.

Key Takeaway: 


To get rid of squirrels naturally, maintain yard cleanliness by removing potential food sources and planting unappealing plants like daffodils, snowdrops, alliums, and hyacinths. Additionally, laying down protective barriers such as chicken wire can further secure your garden against intruders.

Wildlife Damage Solutions Professional Assistance

If you have tried multiple methods to deter squirrels without success, it might be time to consider professional exterminators who specialize in wildlife damage solutions. These experts handle wild animals carefully, ensuring no harm comes to them during the removal process while providing homeowners peace of mind knowing their property remains safe from future invasions.

Hiring Professionals Specializing in Wildlife Damage Solutions

In addition to handling tree squirrels effectively, these professionals are also experienced with ground squirrel management if they pose a threat within the Kansas City metropolitan area properties. Remember that removing food sources like bird feeders stocked with bird seed is essential when trying natural squirrel repellent methods alongside professional assistance. By combining these strategies, you can successfully prevent squirrels and maintain a safe, squirrel-free environment for your family.


In conclusion, there are several natural methods to get rid of squirrels that homeowners in the Kansas City metropolitan area can use. Effective ways to keep squirrels away from your property include removing squirrel food sources, planting natural repellents, utilizing homemade remedies, introducing predator deterrents and motion-activated devices, attracting natural predators, protecting edible crops and bulbs, as well as sealing entry points.

If you’re experiencing issues with squirrels or other wildlife on your property, contact Wildlife Damage Solutions LLC for professional assistance in humane animal removal. Don’t let pesky critters ruin your home or garden any longer!

Call us today at 816-223-0692 to schedule a consultation or visit our website Wildlife Damage Solutions LLC for more information about our services.