Are you dealing with a pesky squirrel infestation in your Kansas City home? If so, the expert wildlife control specialists at Wildlife Damage Solutions are here to help. Our experienced team of professional squirrel trappers can quickly and effectively remove any unwanted critters from your residence or business. We also offer services such as prevention and exclusion strategies, cleanup after trapping, and more. Don’t wait until it’s too late – contact us today for all of your Squirrel Trapping needs.

Table of Contents:

Professional Squirrel Trapping Services

Wildlife Damage Solutions’ professional squirrel trapping services provide a safe and humane way to remove squirrels from your home or business. There are several benefits of using professional trapping services, including the use of specialized traps that are designed specifically for squirrels, as well as experienced technicians who know how to safely handle these animals.

Benefits of Professional Trapping:

Professional trapping services can help you get rid of pesky squirrels quickly and efficiently. Experienced technicians will be able to identify the type of trap needed for each situation and set it up in the most effective manner possible. This ensures that the trapped animal is not harmed during removal and is released into an appropriate habitat afterwards. Additionally, professionals have access to more powerful tools than those available to homeowners, such as live traps which allow them to capture multiple animals at once without harming them in any way.

Types of Traps Used:

The types of traps used by professional trappers vary depending on the size and behavior patterns of the target species. For example, small cage-style traps may be used for smaller rodents like mice or voles while larger box-style traps may be necessary for larger mammals like raccoons or skunks. Live catch cages can also be employed when dealing with multiple animals at once since they do not harm their occupants in any way until they are removed from the property altogether.

Professional squirrel trapping services are a great way to get rid of unwanted critters in your home, but it’s important to first identify the extent of the infestation and determine common entry points for these pests.

Key Takeaway: Professional squirrel trapping services provide a safe and humane way to remove squirrels from your home or business. Benefits include specialized traps, experienced technicians, and access to more powerful tools such as live traps.

Identifying Squirrel Infestations

Identifying a squirrel infestation can be difficult, but there are some tell-tale signs to look for. The most common sign of an infestation is the presence of droppings in attics or other areas of the home. Squirrels also leave behind tracks and trails that can be seen on floors and walls. Other signs include gnawing marks on furniture, insulation, wires, and other materials as well as holes in siding or roofing caused by their sharp claws.

Common entry points for squirrels include gaps in roofs, chimneys, vents, windowsills, troughs, and more. If you notice any damage around these areas it could indicate a potential problem with squirrels entering your home.

Determining the extent of a squirrel infestation can be tricky as they often live in hidden places such as attics or crawl spaces where they cannot easily be seen. It is important to inspect all possible entry points carefully to determine if there is an active infestation present before attempting removal methods yourself or hiring professional help. Look for evidence such as nests made from shredded material like paper towels or insulation; this will help you identify how many animals may have entered your home and how long they have been living there.

By understanding the signs of an infestation, common entry points, and the extent of the problem, homeowners can begin to take steps toward preventing squirrels from entering their homes. Next, we will discuss prevention and exclusion strategies that homeowners can use to keep their home safe.

Prevention and Exclusion Strategies

Homeowner Tips to Prevent Infestations:

Squirrels are attracted to easy access points and food sources. To prevent infestations, homeowners should inspect their property for any potential entry points and seal them off with steel mesh or caulk. It’s also important to keep bird feeders away from the house as this can attract squirrels. Additionally, trimming tree branches that hang over the roof of your home will help reduce their ability to gain access.

Professional Exclusion Services:

Professional exclusion services involve sealing all possible entry points into a structure using heavy-duty materials such as steel mesh or galvanized sheet metal flashing. Professionals may also use one-way doors which allow animals inside a structure to exit but not reenter. In some cases, professional wildlife control companies may install electric fences around an area in order to deter squirrels from entering it in the future.

By utilizing the prevention and exclusion strategies discussed, homeowners can minimize their chances of a squirrel infestation. The next step is to clean up and restore any areas affected by the presence of squirrels.

Cleanup and Restoration After Trapping Services

After trapping services have been completed, it’s important to clean up any mess left behind by the squirrels. Sanitizing and disinfecting affected areas is essential for preventing the spread of disease and restoring a healthy environment. This includes cleaning all surfaces with an appropriate cleaner that can kill bacteria, viruses, fungi, and other microorganisms. It’s also important to remove any droppings or nesting materials from walls and ceilings as these can be hazardous if not properly disposed of.

Repairing damage caused by squirrels is another step in the restoration process. Squirrels often chew through wood beams or electrical wiring which can lead to structural damage or even fires if not addressed quickly. Professional wildlife control companies will inspect your home for signs of damage before beginning their work so they can make sure everything is safe after they leave. They may also recommend repairs such as replacing damaged insulation or sealing off entry points where squirrels could enter again in the future.

Cleanup and restoration after trapping services are essential for restoring the area affected by squirrels. It is important to choose a wildlife control company that has the right qualifications, certifications, and reviews from previous customers in order to ensure successful removal of the pests.

Key Takeaway: Wildlife control companies provide important services to restore a healthy environment, including sanitizing and disinfecting affected areas, removing droppings and nesting materials, and inspecting for damage. They may also recommend repairs such as replacing insulation or sealing entry points.


Wildlife Damage Solutions are experienced and professional squirrel trappers that can help you get rid of any unwanted wildlife in your home or business. Our services include identifying infestations, prevention and exclusion strategies, cleanup and restoration after trapping services, as well as choosing the right wildlife control company for your needs. We understand how stressful it can be to have an animal like a squirrel living on your property and we strive to provide the best possible service when it comes to trapping them out. With our expert squirrel trappers, you can rest assured that your problem will be taken care of quickly and efficiently so you can move forward with peace of mind.

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