If you are a homeowner in the Kansas City metropolitan area, chances are that you have encountered squirrels in the house at some point. While these critters may seem cute and harmless from afar, they can cause serious damage to your property if left unchecked. Fortunately, there is help available when it comes to preventing and controlling wildlife such as squirrels inside of your house.

In this blog post, we will discuss strategies for identifying whether or not you have a problem with squirrels in the house, prevention methods for keeping them out of your home moving forward, professional services offered by local experts specializing in wildlife control and humane removal options for getting rid of any current infestations. Finally, we will provide guidance on how to clean up after removing unwanted visitors like squirrels from the premises so that everyone involved remains safe and secure going forward.

Table of Contents:Wildlife Damage Solutions Squirrel Removal

Identifying Squirrels in the House

Squirrels are a common nuisance in the Kansas City metropolitan area. Homeowners should be aware of the signs of an infestation, as well as the potential damage caused by these rodents.

Signs of Infestation

The most obvious sign that you have squirrels in your home is noises coming from attics or walls. You may also notice chewed wires and insulation, droppings, nests made out of shredded material, or even sightings of the animals themselves.

Potential Damage Caused by Squirrels

Squirrel damage can range from minor chewing to more serious destruction such as structural damage due to burrowing into wood beams for nesting purposes or fire hazards due to chewed wires which could cause electrical shorts if not addressed quickly enough. In addition to physical damage, these pests can also spread diseases through contact with droppings so it is important to take action immediately upon identifying an infestation.

Key Takeaway: Squirrels can cause serious damage to homes, such as structural damage from burrowing and fire hazards from chewed wires. It is important to identify the signs of an infestation quickly and take action immediately in order to prevent further destruction or spread of diseases.

Prevention Strategies

Exclusion Techniques: Exclusion techniques are an effective way to prevent a squirrel infestation. Homeowners should seal off entry points with hardware cloth or caulking around windows and doors, as well as inspecting any vents or other openings that could be used for access. Additionally, chimneys should be capped with mesh screens to prevent squirrels from entering the home.

Habitat Modification: Habitat modification can also help reduce the chances of a squirrel infestation. Removing potential food sources such as bird feeders and pet food will make the area less attractive to them. Trimming trees and shrubs away from structures can also discourage nesting sites near your home, while keeping outdoor areas clean and free of debris will further reduce their appeal.

Proper storage of food is essential for preventing a squirrel infestation in your home or yard. All garbage cans should have tight-fitting lids that cannot be easily opened by animals, while pet food should be stored in airtight containers when not in use. Bird feeders should also be kept away from buildings whenever possible to avoid attracting unwanted visitors into your living space

Professional Wildlife Control Services

Hiring a professional wildlife control service can provide many benefits over attempting DIY removal methods. Wildlife Damage Solutions are professionals in humanely trapping and relocating animals as well as providing cleanup services after removal. They may also offer additional services such as exclusion techniques or habitat modification to help prevent future infestations.

Benefits of Hiring Professionals: Professional wildlife control companies have the experience, knowledge, and resources necessary to safely and effectively remove squirrels from your home without causing harm to them or your property. They will use specialized traps that are designed specifically for squirrels, ensuring they are not harmed during the process. Additionally, these professionals know how to identify potential entry points into your home so they can take steps to prevent future infestations from occurring.

Cleanup and Restoration After Removal of Squirrels from the Home

Sanitizing Areas Affected by Droppings and Urine: After a squirrel has been removed from the home, it is important to sanitize any areas affected by droppings or urine. This includes hard surfaces such as countertops, floors, and walls as well as soft materials like carpets and furniture. Disinfectants that are safe for humans and pets should be used to ensure no one’s health is compromised during the cleaning process. It may also be necessary to replace items that have been heavily soiled with droppings or urine.

Repairing Damage Caused by Chewing or Digging: Squirrels can cause significant damage in homes due to their chewing habits which can include electrical wiring, woodwork, drywall, insulation, etc. Additionally, they may dig holes in walls or attics while searching for food or nesting material. Repairing this damage quickly will help prevent future infestations of squirrels as well as other pests such as mice and rats who could take advantage of these openings in your home.

Once all signs of an existing infestation have been eliminated, it is important to take steps toward preventing future ones from occurring. This includes sealing off any potential entry points into your home using caulk around windowsills and door frames, installing chimney caps, trimming tree branches away from rooflines, repairing damaged screens on vents etc. Additionally, keeping food sources out of reach such as bird feeders will help discourage squirrels from returning in search of sustenance.

FAQs in Relation to Squirrels in the House

Do squirrels do damage to your house?

Yes, squirrels can cause damage to your home. They are known for chewing on wood and other materials which can weaken the structure of a house. Additionally, they may chew through electrical wiring or insulation, creating potential fire hazards. Squirrels also create nests in attics and chimneys that can lead to clogged drains and ventilation systems. Finally, their droppings can spread diseases like salmonella if not properly cleaned up. Taking steps to prevent squirrel access is important for protecting your home from these pests.

Where do squirrels hide in houses?

Squirrels typically hide in attics, walls, and chimneys. They can also find their way into basements or crawl spaces if they have access to them. Squirrels may use gaps around windows and doors as entry points into the home. Inside the house, squirrels will look for dark, quiet places like behind furniture or inside closets where they can build nests out of insulation and other materials. If left unchecked, squirrels can cause extensive damage to a home’s structure by chewing on wires and wood beams. Homeowners should take steps to identify potential entry points and seal off any openings that could be used by these pests before they become a problem.


The presence of squirrels in the house can be a nuisance and cause damage to your home. It is important to identify the problem, take preventive measures, consider professional wildlife control services, use humane removal options for squirrels in the house, and complete cleanup and restoration after their removal. Taking these steps will help you protect your home from further damage caused by squirrels in the house.

Are you dealing with squirrels in your home? Don’t let these pests take over! Wildlife Damage Solutions can provide effective and humane solutions to help rid your property of pesky critters. Our professional team is experienced in providing wildlife control services, such as exclusion techniques, habitat modification, trapping removal methods, and more. Contact us today for a free consultation and start living pest-free again!

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