Discovering how to scare away raccoons is essential for homeowners in the Kansas City metropolitan area, as these nocturnal animals can cause significant damage to property and pose health risks. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into various methods that effectively deter raccoons from invading your home and outdoor spaces.

We will explore practical steps such as securing food sources by properly storing trash and using bleach-based cleaners for outdoor eating areas. Additionally, we’ll discuss how installing wire mesh or sheet metal can block access under homes, preventing raccoon intrusion.

Furthermore, you’ll learn about natural repellents like cayenne pepper and motion-activated deterrents that repel raccoons without causing harm. For those dealing with a more severe raccoon problem in attics or other parts of their home, multisensory harassment techniques are covered alongside sealing gaps to prevent future intrusions.

Lastly, we recognize that sometimes professional intervention is necessary when learning how to scare away raccoons. We’ll provide guidance on hiring wildlife control professionals for trapping and relocation services while ensuring proper sealing of entry points after removal.

Table of Contents:

DIY Solutions for Raccoon Deterrence

Homeowners can implement various do-it-yourself methods to scare away raccoons from their property, including securing trash cans, eliminating food sources, and using scent-based deterrents. These solutions are effective in preventing raccoons from invading your attic or porch areas without causing harm or using poison.

Securing Trash Cans with Tight-Fitting Lids that Lock Securely into Place

Raccoons are notorious for rummaging through trash cans, searching for easy meals. To deter these nocturnal animals, ensure your garbage bins have tight-fitting lids that lock securely into place. This will prevent raccoons from accessing the contents of your trash and discourage them from returning to your property.

Using Powdered Cayenne Pepper and Ground Garlic Cloves as Scent-Based Deterrents

  • Cayenne pepper: Sprinkle powdered cayenne pepper around the perimeter of your home or any area you suspect raccoons frequent. The strong smell is unpleasant to these pests and may help repel them.
  • Ground garlic cloves: Similar to cayenne pepper, ground garlic cloves can be used as a natural deterrent due to its pungent odor. Spread it around areas where you’ve noticed signs of raccoon activity.

Note: Be cautious when applying these substances near outdoor pets or children’s play areas as they could cause irritation if ingested or come into contact with skin.

Placing Ammonia-Soaked Rags Near Entryways and Vinegar Along Pathways

Another effective method to deter raccoons is by using strong-smelling substances like ammonia and vinegar. Place ammonia-soaked rags near potential entry points, such as attic vents or under porches. Additionally, pour white vinegar along pathways that raccoons use to access your property. These smells are repulsive to raccoons and can help keep them at bay.

Additional Tips for Preventing Raccoon Problems

  • Pet food: Avoid leaving pet food outdoors overnight, as it attracts raccoons looking for an easy meal.
  • Bird feeders: Remove bird feeders from your yard or invest in a raccoon-proof bird feeder, as they often attract these pests searching for seeds and other bird food sources.
  • Gardens & chicken coops: Protect gardens with fencing or netting, and ensure chicken coops have secure latches on doors to prevent raccoon access.
  • Maintain cleanliness: Keep outdoor areas clean of fallen fruit, nuts, or any other debris that may serve as a food source for wildlife.

If you’ve tried these DIY solutions but still struggle with persistent raccoon problems on your property, consider seeking the assistance of a professional wildlife control service like Wildlife Damage Solutions.

DIY solutions for raccoon deterrence are a great way to start, but more advanced techniques may be necessary if the problem persists. For persistent problems, homeowners should consider installing floodlights and electric fencing around vulnerable areas of their property or utilizing multisensory harassment techniques like motion-activated lawn sprinklers.

Key Takeaway: 

Homeowners can use DIY methods to scare away raccoons, such as securing trash cans with tight-fitting lids, using scent-based deterrents like powdered cayenne pepper and ground garlic cloves, and placing ammonia-soaked rags near entryways. Additional tips include avoiding leaving pet food outdoors overnight, removing bird feeders or investing in a raccoon-proof one, protecting gardens with fencing or netting, keeping outdoor areas clean of debris that may serve as a food source for wildlife. If these solutions do not work, consider seeking the assistance of a professional wildlife control service.

Advanced Techniques for Persistent Problems

If raccoons continue to cause issues despite implementing basic DIY solutions, homeowners should consider advanced techniques such as installing motion-activated lights, electric fencing, and multisensory harassment tactics like ultrasonic devices or one-way doors. These measures create an inhospitable environment that encourages the animals to leave.

Installing Floodlights and Electric Fencing Around Vulnerable Areas of the Property

Floodlights are effective in deterring nocturnal animals like raccoons due to their sensitivity to bright light. Installing these around your property can help scare raccoons away from potential entry points. Additionally, electric fencing is another useful tool for keeping raccoons at bay. By surrounding vulnerable areas such as chicken coops or gardens with electric fences, you can prevent raccoon access without causing them harm.

Employing Multisensory Harassment Techniques Like Motion-Activated Lawn Sprinklers

  • Motion-activated lawn sprinklers: Raccoons hate getting wet; therefore, installing a motion-triggered sprinkler system near their frequented areas will effectively deter them from entering your property.
  • Noise-based repellents, such as ultrasonic devices, can be employed to generate aversive soundscapes that drive away raccoons.
  • Visual deterrents: Reflective tape or shiny objects like CDs hung around your property can also help scare raccoons away by creating visual disturbances that they find unsettling.

Utilizing Ultrasonic Devices Strategically Positioned Throughout the Space

Ultrasonic devices emit high-frequency sounds that are inaudible to humans but irritating and disorienting for raccoons. Placing these devices strategically throughout your yard or near entry points will deter raccoon activity without causing harm. Be sure to change the location of these devices periodically, as raccoons may become accustomed to their presence over time.

Installing One-Way Doors for Raccoon Exclusion

If you think you have raccoons entering your attic, check out our blog on how to get rid of them. Installing a one-way door is an effective solution for excluding raccoons that have already entered your attic or other enclosed spaces. These doors allow the animal(s) inside to exit while preventing re-entry. Once all animals have left, homeowners should block access permanently by sealing any openings with durable materials such as hardware cloth or metal flashing.

For persistent raccoon problems, advanced techniques such as installing floodlights and electric fencing around vulnerable areas of the property, employing multisensory harassment techniques like motion-activated lawn sprinklers, and utilizing ultrasonic devices strategically positioned throughout the space are highly recommended. Professional wildlife damage solutions assistance can also be obtained to help trap and relocate raccoons safely through live traps or repair damages left behind by infestations.

Key Takeaway: 

To scare away persistent raccoon problems, homeowners can implement advanced techniques such as floodlights and electric fencing to create an inhospitable environment. Multisensory harassment tactics like motion-activated lawn sprinklers, ultrasonic devices, and reflective tape can also be used strategically to deter raccoons without causing harm. Additionally, installing one-way doors in enclosed spaces allows animals to exit while preventing re-entry.

How to Scare Away Raccoons: Tips and Tricks

Raccoons are cute, but they can be a nuisance when they invade your property. They are nocturnal animals that can cause damage to your garden, outdoor pets, chicken coop, and bird feeders. If you suspect raccoons are causing problems on your property, there are several ways to deter them. Here are some tips and tricks to prevent raccoons from invading your space:

1. Keep Your Property Clean

Raccoons are attracted to food sources, so it’s essential to keep your property clean. Make sure to secure your trash cans with tight-fitting lids and bring them inside at night. Don’t leave pet food outside, and clean up any spilled bird food. Raccoons hate the smell of ammonia, so you can also try spraying a mixture of water and ammonia around your trash cans and garden.

2. Block Access to Your Property

Raccoons are excellent climbers and can easily access your property through trees or overhanging branches. Trim any branches that are close to your house and block any access points, such as holes in your fence or under your deck. You can also install motion-activated lights or sprinklers to scare away raccoons.

3. Use Repellents

There are several natural repellents that can deter raccoons. Raccoons hate the smell of cayenne pepper, so you can sprinkle it around your garden or bird feeders. You can also use predator urine, such as coyote or fox urine, to scare away raccoons. You can find these repellents at your local garden center.

4. Call a Wildlife Control Professional

If you’ve tried various methods to scare away raccoons but still face persistent problems, it’s time to consider professional help for raccoon removal. A wildlife control professional can provide humane and eco-friendly solutions to your raccoon problem. They can also help you with live trapping and relocating raccoons to an appropriate habitat away from residential areas.

Don’t let raccoons cause damage to your property. Use these tips and tricks to prevent raccoons from invading your space. If you need professional assistance, contact Wildlife Damage Solutions for a free no-commitment estimate.

FAQs in Relation to How to Scare Away Raccoons

What Will Scare a Raccoon Away?

Raccoons can be scared away by using repellents like cayenne pepper, garlic, ammonia, vinegar, or Epsom salt. Installing motion-activated lights, sprinklers, or sonic pest repellers can also deter them from your property. Additionally, multisensory harassment techniques such as flashlights and radios may help keep raccoons at bay.

What Do Raccoons Hate the Most?

Raccoons dislike strong smells like ammonia and vinegar. They are also not fond of spicy scents such as cayenne pepper and garlic. These odors act as natural repellents that make their living environment uncomfortable and drive them away from your home.

What Sounds Are Raccoons Afraid Of?

Raccoons tend to avoid loud noises and high-pitched sounds that mimic predators or other threats in their environment. Sonic pest repellers emitting ultrasonic frequencies can effectively deter these animals from invading your property.

Will Raccoons Come Back If You Scare Them?

If you only use temporary measures to scare off raccoons without addressing the root cause of their attraction to your property (e.g., food sources), they might return once the deterrents are removed. To prevent re-infestation, ensure proper sealing of entry points after removal and maintain cleanliness around outdoor spaces.


Overall, there are several ways to deter raccoons from invading your outdoor spaces and homes. Securing food sources, utilizing natural repellents and deterrents, addressing infestations in attics, and hiring professional wildlife damage solutions can all help keep these nocturnal animals at bay.

To avoid any further damage or health risks due to raccoons, it is essential to take immediate action. With the right approach and tools in place, you can successfully prevent raccoons from becoming a problem.

To ensure a humane approach to dealing with raccoon problems on your property, contact Wildlife Damage Solutions LLC today. Our team of experts specializes in safe trapping and relocation methods that protect both humans and wildlife alike. Contact us now for more information!